Friday, February 14, 2025
Motivation - 14 February, 2018

What is the most powerful forces known to man on earth?

One can unlearn the fear by asking oneself what purpose it serves to keep the fear and actually doing what he fears. Because once we start doing what we fear, the fear will disappear.

#motivational #fearnot #takecourage
Author : Reji Varghese

Reji M Varghese is a Post graduate Electrical Engineer from MANIT Bhopal (India) with his Under Graduate Engineering degree from NIT Rourkela (India). In Dec 2003 he established the company ADONAI. He has overall responsibility for creating, planning, implementing and integrating the strategic direction of the organization.

In one of my recent discussions with few executives of an organisation, I asked them a question…What is the most powerful forces known to man on earth..? The answers were quite varied..some of them said they are the nuclear weapons, some said it is the power of the sun, few of them said it is the power of nature that we see in the might of an earthquake or in the power of tsunami or in the clout of a mighty destructive hurricane. But one person from the audience stood up and said “I feel it is the human mind that is most powerful forces known to man”. Not leaving aside the power of the Omnipotent and Almighty God who created this entire universe with His wisdom and knowledge, I also wanted to concur and expound on the idea of the power of the human mind.

I am reminded of a wonderful Malayalam song which came out in the early eighties, the lyrics of which starts with the sentence “The mind of man races on the unseen paths like a magical horse.”

The success or failure we face in our lives would entirely depend on the thought pattern that we carve out in our mind and by the confessions that we make through our lips as an after effect of our thought process . Fear is one such emotion that is conceived in human mind. In one of the articles that I have recently read, it was mentioned that a human is born with only one fear, it is the fear of loud noises and as the child grows up, as he starts walking he will start having the fear of falling and slowly human mind is conditioned by the circumstances with various kinds of fears which makes his/her life miserable. Some are taught or learnt to handle fearful circumstances and others who are not taught or learnt to manage their fears, end up in great peril.

I know people who get frightened on silly issues which are not supposed to be of any matter of concern at all, and knowingly or unknowingly these people transmit their fears into others as well very effectively. Couple of weeks ago my brother in law was travelling back to Switzerland after a week’s vacation in Kerala. His flight from Dubai to Zurich was delayed for few hours due to bad weather and this created great havoc back home in Kerala. When my parents came to know that their son in law has not reached the destination in time and unfortunately my sister was not available on her phone due to her job timings; our parents got so panicked and feared to such an extent that they started calling up all my siblings to find out whether any of us had any information about the delay.

Thanks to Jan Koum & Brian Acton the makers of WhatsApp; finally I was able to connect to my sister through Whatsapp and got the update on my brother in law’s whereabouts and informed my parents and they were eased a bit.

In my training and coaching seminars I have talked to a number of people who are fearful or full of anxiety. It may be the fear of what others think about them ,fear of not having enough money,fear of losing job or loss in business,fear of failing in career, fear of death, fear of falling sick or catching a terminal disease, fear of losing a loved one and the list goes on…

“Fear not!” is one of the most repeated phrases used in the Bible. It is said that 365 times the phrase “Fear not” appears in the Bible - One “FEAR NOT” tablet a day!

One of the greatest teachings of Jesus Christ about Fear and Worry says “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you - you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’

Most of what we fear never happens anyway, it’s like paying interest on debts that we don’t yet have.

One can unlearn the fear by asking oneself what purpose it serves to keep the fear and actually doing what he fears. Because once we start doing what we fear, the fear will disappear.

To live a life without fear is something Divine and it is something to be learnt and practiced on a daily basis.

I have read a quote somewhere “FEAR has two meanings Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything and Rise. The Choice is yours…”